Returning to uni: the good, the bad, and the scary

After a whole year at home, doing little more than attend therapy appointments, make meal plans, cry over said meal plans, volunteer at my old primary school and do hundreds of crosswords, I was heading back to uni. I’m not going to say that the past year was transformative or healing or even that it…

The ostrich, the rhino, the kangaroo and the dolphin

In the Maudsley model of anorexia treatment, carers and relatives of those with an eating disorder are likened to animals. There are the ostriches: those who bury their heads in the sand and pretend like nothing is happening. There are the rhinos, who charge full steam ahead with the sole intent of getting everything fixed…

Why so anti antidepressants?

Imagine breaking your leg and not taking painkillers? Imagine contracting a chest infection and refusing antibiotics? Imagine suffering from cancer and not receiving chemotherapy? It seems crazy, doesn’t it? Why wouldn’t you take the medicine that has been specifically engineered to help you, to treat you, to relieve you? There is an awful lot of…

Why I can’t just eat

We all know the story of a painfully thin girl being hurled abuse at from a passing car, often being yelled at to ‘go eat a cheeseburger’. And even if this sentiment isn’t expressed in quite such a nasty way, most anorexia sufferers will experience this kind of misunderstanding (dare I say ignorance?) in some…